One late October day in nineteen eighty-two, a level one Walter Williams spawned in to this world. Through the long tutorial level he began putting points in to various skills all toward his dream of entering the gaming guild.
Upon gaining level eighteen he was expelled from the home castle to search for a way to procure his own gold. With his skill set equipped he entered the guild in the QA faction where he learned to quest against the Z-fight rats and progression ogres. Slowly he built up his skills through the constant questing, earning multiple classes in the faction.
Soon, he was leading parties of guild mates through the bug-ridden swamps, forests and mountains. Clearing queues shoulder-to-shoulder with various comrades provided a special assignment, a quest with a developer party. With vigor, Walter began a difficult journey to unknown lands as a page to the developer party.
After a difficult battle, Walter reached the developer party’s quest goal. With a growing skill set and a sizable amount of luck Walter was accepted into the developer party as a designer. Now, with a new primary class, Walter joined a strong group as they approached one of their greatest challenges.